This paper reported beta-blocker use in 21 STEMI patients over four years. The patients were between 50 - 65 years of age presenting with anterior, lateral, and inferior STEMI (ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction). Seven of the patients were female, and 14 were male. They presented to an emergency room of a rural hospital that did not provide emergency percutaneous coronary angioplasty/stenting (PTCA/stenting). The hospital is about 70 minutes from a facility that provided PTCA/ stenting—all the patients presented with typical angina chest pain with ST elevation. They are hemodynamic stable. Most patients received Lopressor 35 mg IVP, with one receiving 115 mg in a 5 mg increment. They were chest pain-free and hemodynamically before leaving the ER for the transfer for PTCA/stent. The results demonstrated that beta-blockers are effective in relieving pain in STEMI patients. Further study is needed to determine its efficacy, safety, and how to use it.